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What should hypoglycemic athletes eat before a half marathon?

February 25, 2011

I figured I’d share this instant messenging conversation with you.  My friend, Marcie, is training for a half marathon in Disney World.

I like the medals! I might have to do this just to add it to my collection 🙂


She was curious about what I ate before a training run.  I told her every person is different but those with hypoglycemia, especially, should try to eat as close to the start time as their stomach can handle and eat lots of protein, some fat, some fiber, and a few complex carbs- my recommendations are to stay away from fruit, sugar, and simple carbs.
Here’s our convo! My answers are in bold.
M:  HEY CC,  what do you generally eat before your long runs?
Marcie is online.

CC:  hey, in the mornings?

M:  that and 2 hours before. I ‘ve got my practice run today so gonna to try to go for 11.5

CC:  i dont have anything specific, except i always try to have lots of protein, a liitle good fat, fiber, and just a tiny amount of complex carbs, no sugar, no simple carbs. r u training for a marathon?  or a half?

M:  no half is sat

CC:  awesome! where?

M:  i can’t remember what i ate before
CC:  disney half

M:  oh cool
CC:  so, i eat 20 minutes before I go out for a run
M:  and i have a weak stomach.

CC:  i have severe hypoglycemia so my eating schedule might be a little different than yours. do u usually make sure you don’t eat anything 2 hours before you go out?
M:  was just going to do peanut butter, toast and banana but i remember i wish whatever i ate before i didn’t eat enough
CC:  Example: 2-3 eggs, cheese, on whole wheat bread (breakfast before a run). yeah, I would say you should eat as close to the race time as possible

M:  i can’t do eggs before workouts
CC:  so, if you can stomach eating within 20 mins of start time do so… if you can’t then go as close as you can handle… your body needs fuel/ energy

M:  so eat at 11:30 for a 2:30 run?

CC:  peanut butter is good, protein. toast if it’s wheat is okay for you, … bananas- I don’t think are good b/c of the sugar… but ? everyones different
no, eat at 2:10 for a 2:30 run, …if you can. just make sure your not eating so much that you feel really full, just enough to be satisfied
M:  ok…yeah i always eat bananas before workouts (are those bad)
CC:  and you should eat something every 6 miles or 60 minutes, even if it’s small.

yeah i tried those gu gels before.

bananas just have a lot of sugar in them, which your body will burn through very quickly. It’s better to eat more protein and some complex carbs – not too many

Gu gels… yeah, I’m not a fan- too much sugar, chemicals, and caffeine – i don’t think they are good for you… I carry mixed nuts, cheese, beef jerky, half of a PB&J :) and eat that halfway through a half marathon.

yeah i had that gu at mile 7 vanilla and it hurt my stomach and made me naseous

can you eat oatmeal? a banana isn’t that bad as long as that’s not the only thing you are eating… it’s not good for me.. most important is protein, even if it’s a piece of grilled chicken

ok i’ll do the mixed nuts

yeah, i wouldn’t recommend the Gus.  Cheese is good, if you can eat that

yeah i have to do instant b/c i’m in hotels most of the time, i cant do cheese before runs

yeah instant oatmeals not really good for you either
ha ha, all my recommendations … out the window..

it’s just the dairy i struggle with before

yeah just feels like a train is going through me on the run

can you eat grilled chicken? broccoli? you have a late run 2:30, so a good balanced lunch should be good, meat, veggies, potatoes
lactose intolerant?

i can eat after workouts. no broccoli before i get gasy and then it hurts

:) yeah, like i said, everyones different

i guess i’ll do some grilled chicken and toast

the best thing to do is “practice” so eat something then go out for a training run and evaluate how you feel

actually friend messaged to meet at 2 and i need to be out at 1:30 to start so i’ll guess i’ll eat at 12:45

it’s good to keep a running diary (write down your mileage, date, weather, what you wore, what you ate, how you felt)

yeah my food is logged on my weight watchers. i just log miles in calendar and on mapmyrun

yeah, you can always bring stuff with you. I bring sandwiches with me (ham, turkey, mustard on wheat bread) and i eat it right before the race (keep it in a plastic baggie)
ok, good luck!

ok i’ll try that today! thanks i appreciate it

no problem, anytime!


So, What do you usually eat before a half marathon?  Let me know by leaving a comment!

– CC

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